Cute Fairy Tattoos come is all shapes, sizes and designs. You
can select one that fits your personality, both in content and
location. For instance, whatever part of the body it is
placed, one can never go wrong with a cute fairy tattoo. There
are many pretty and cute fairy tattoos, but there are also
fairy tattoos that are decidedly Gothic in tone and appearance.
Fairy tattoos are fun, colorful and one of the most sensual
designs available, and as such are an extremely popular choice
for women. The variety allows you to pick the tone you want to
portray. Another popular design combination is Moon and Star tattoos. They
don't have the deep symbolic meaning the some other star tattoos have, but they
can be very beautiful.
As we mentioned there are thousands of tattoo designs to choose from, and the
choices can be overwhelming. However some websites allow you unlimited downloads
for a set fee. Thus you can print out a color tattoo, sized as you think you
would like it, and try it on different areas of your body for both size and
appearance. Fairies have become a more and more popular choice for tattoo
Fairies are beautiful, enchanting and magical and they look so great as
a tattoo design that women especially love them. A fairy tattoo design
can be cute and rather precious, like something out of a children’s book,
but fairies are not as innocent as they look. Fairies can have a touch
of evil, a dark side – in fact, they are far more likely to be mischievous
or even fearsome. Another related design is that of angles.
Angels are first and foremost messengers of god and
protectors so an angel tattoo is like having someone who
is there to take care of you and look after your welfare.
For most men, angel tattoos generally express their
masculinity, their courage and bravery, some even their
love for women. For most women, angels are an
expression of purity within the soul or declaration
of innocence and playfulness at the same time.
There are a myriad of angel tattoos and how they are portrayed vary
depending on the message that a tattoo enthusiast wants to convey,
similar to the fairies noted above. Another related area of tattoos
is the Moon and Stars.
Star tattoos are very popular tattoo designs for women as well as men.
Filled star tattoos are usually combined with a butterfly or fairies.
A five-point pentacle star tattoo symbolizes the earth, air, water,
fire, and spirit. The mystical appeal of this star tattoo contributes
a lot to its popularity. Five-pointed stars are classic star tattoo
designs that are beautiful whether in a simple outline or filled color.
Simple star tattoos are popular as a first tattoo because star tattoos
are usually small in design and they don't have to be very complicated,
a simple black star tattoo can be very striking. A companion to the
star are moon tattoos.
Combination Moon and Star tattoos don't have the deep
symbolic meaning the other star tattoos have, but they
can be very beautiful designs. Moon tattoos in
combination with a shooting star are very popular. On
whatever part of the body it is placed, one can never go
wrong with cute fairy tattoos or moon and star
combinations. Please consider using quality designed
fairy and moon star tattoos when getting tattoo and
have a professional do the work.
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Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Liven Up Your Body with Cute Fairy Tattoos Design
Fairy Tattoos Design and Art

Another tattoo design which is very popular is the fairy tattoo. Fairies presented as fairy tribal tattoos or fairy Celtic tattoos are absolutely popular with tattoo lovers. Designs of fairies are amalgamated with many other elements to give the fairy tattoos numerous looks. Fairy designs can be combined with flowers, hearts, crosses, glitter, suns, moons, stars and other fantasy themes to get more fairy tattoos. The fairy tattoos are also available in different colors like red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, violet, as well as in black and white.
Fairy tattoos are tattooed as armbands, lower back pieces, on ankles, shoulders, the upper back area and chest area. In this age of information technology, it's pretty easy to locate fairy tattoos and other tattoo designs on the internet. Many tattoo sites have provisi ons of free tattoo designs, though the quality of these tattoos may not be that good. Fairy tattoos are fairly common in females as fairies are associated with the fair sex.
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The Fairy Tattoo
Fairy tattoos are some of the most liked and universally sought after tattoo designs for females. Fairy tattoos offer an escape to a fantasy world that is full of birght colors, lots of beautiful lights, and of course just a little touch of magic!
Fairy tattoos offer many women a hance to express themselves by the fairy they choose. Fairy tattoos can really encompas a wide vareity of styles, designs and dieas making them very versitile and fitting for almost anyone's peronsality. For example there are everything from Gothic Fairy Tattoos to express the deeper darker side of a person all the way to whimsical fairy wings tattoos for the upper back to show the light flighty and joyus side of a person. That is honestly what makes fairy tattoos such a draw for many women. They can express through this beautiful image just about any mood, feeling, idea, or value that they want. You can have a sexy fairy in a come hither pose to express the more alluring side of a person or a studios book fairy. The possibilities are really limitless.
Fairy Tattoo Design and Pictures Resources
- - Thousands of award winning tattoo designs!
Thats right chopper tattoo has over 6,000 tattoo designs that you can download directly from the site. Designs in every category done by professional tattoo artists
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Cute Fairy Tattoos Design
Cute fairy tattoos are very popular especially among women. They are an attractive and whimsical design that can represent many things. There are many types of cute fairy tattoos you could get: a gothic or evil fairy, some sort of angelic image, or perhaps a dainty or precious fairy. Fairies often represent fantasy. They are a coy and elusive creature representing both a mysterious and magical world. Cute fairy tattoos can represent a variety of things from youth, beauty, mischief, imagination, magic, etc.
Fairy tattoos are a flexible design that can be anywhere on your body and any size. Although, cute fairy tattoos are usually found to be small and are located somewhere on the ankle, calf, shoulder, hip, lower back, and foot.
So what fictional characters do people associate with when thinking of these mysterious and magical creatures? Two of the most popular fairies are Tinkerbell and Queen Mab who is not just a fairy, but a fairy queen no less. A lot of different words can be associated with the word fairy, let’s look at some definitions:
- Fairy – A supernatural being that can have magical powers and are most likely to intervene in human affairs. They can be all sizes.
- Sprite – A general word for a fairy that has wings and has a pleasing appearance.
- Elf – An elf is part of the fairy family and generally are mischievous and without wings.
- Spirit – An elf, sprite, or fairy.
- Pixie – A sprite or fairy that has a mischievous personality.
The natural word and fairies are linked together and can be expressed by combining nature with your cute fairy tattoo. Some possible combinations include:
- A fairy and a mushroom
- A fairy hanging from a tree branch
- Incorporating butterfly tattoos with a fairy
- Fairies and flowers
- A fairy and an angel flying together
- A fairy resting on a leaf in a pond
- A fairy with other fictional creatures such as dragons, unicorns, or perhaps a phoenix
Cute fairy tattoos can represent a number of different things and many different things can be incorporated into a fairy tattoo design. Hopefully this has spiked your interest and will lead you to more design ideas!
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Monday, February 9, 2009
Hawaiian Flower Tattoo
Hawaiian flower tattoos can express the homage that you have to the Hawaiian culture. If you have ever considered getting Hawaiian flower tattoos but aren’t sure what to get and don’t want a predictable flower then perhaps its time to entertain the idea of looking into all the various flowers that the Hawaiian culture has to offer. Tropical Hawaiian flowers are associated as being extremely exotic and beautiful flowers. Hawaii also so happens to have the most variety and abundance of tropical flowers in the world. With Hawaiian flower tattoos there are endless possibilities to ensure that you will get the tattoo you desire.
It’s important to know the meaning behind any flower before getting it permanently inked onto your skin. Let’s take a look at some of the flowers Hawaii can offer and gain an understanding of each.
- 1. The Anthurium is an excellent choice for Hawaiian flower tattoos. These flowers often resemble the shape of a heart and are bright red. Anthuriums are one of the most popular flowers shipped from Hawaii and symbolize hospitality.
- 2. The Hibiscus is a tropical flower and is one of the few that are native to Hawaii. The state flower is the yellow ma’o hau hele hisbiscus. Hibiscus flowers work great for Hawaiian flower tattoos because they come in a variety of colors consisting of pink, white, red, blue, yellow, green, lavender, and orange. Hawaiian women often wear a hibiscus flower behind their ear which symbolizes that they are ready to find a partner for marriage. The better known meaning for the hibiscus is delicate beauty making this an excellent choice for Hawaiian flower tattoos.
- 3. Orchids can represent a number of things from magnificence, luxury, strength, love, and beauty. The Dendrobium Orchids are very popular in Hawaii and have blooms shaped like butterflies. This flower provides a number of meanings and its unique design makes it perfect for coming up with your own original Hawaiian flower tattoo.
- 4. The Birds of Paradise flower represents joyfulness and paradise. This flower is well known for resembling a bird in flight and is very dramatic and colorful. If you like a lot of color in your tattoos then the Birds of Paradise flower could be the perfect Hawaiian flower tattoo.
If you wanted to get a tattoo to represent a particular Hawaiian island that is entirely possible. Each island of Hawaii has a designated flower. The pink lokelani or pink cottage rose is the official flower of Maui. The yellow ilima resembles a tiny hibiscus and is the official flower of Oahu. The Big Island’s flower is the red lehua which is a blossom of an ohia tree. The lehua flower according to legend is sacred to Pele, Hawaii’s volcano goddess.
What’s great about Hawaii’s flowers is not only are they beautiful but all have multiple meanings. There are an endless amount of flowers to choose from. Hopefully there deep rooted meanings can spike your creativity and allow you to incorporate those meanings into your final design. Hawaiian flower tattoos can be a wonderful homage to the Hawaiian culture and the design opportunities are never-ending. Below are some free tattoo designs and patterns of Hawaiian flower tattoos.
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Hawaiian Tattoos and Tribal Culture
Similar to any other Polynesian tattoo, Hawaiian Tattoos come in many flavors and varieties. Some of the most popular designs could be characterized as a turtle, flower, or abstract tribal design. In fact, it is widely accepted that the name "tribal" came from European explorers discovering Hawaiian and other Polynesian tattoos. The explorers didn't know exactly what they were seeing, and they thought the different markings signified allegiance to a certain tribe. Hawaiian's have been tattooing themselves for thousands of years, it was part of a warrior's rite of passage to get the markings that he was a full member of the community. To not get a tattoo was to shirk society's standards, a somewhat reversal of modern tattoo mentality.
How were they applied before
modern tattoo needles?
Fundamentally, a tattoo requires four things. A tattoo artist, tattoo ink (jet black ink in the Hawaiian case), a way to get the ink into the skin, and a person willing to get tattooed. The tattoo artists of Hawaiian antiquity held a high place in the community. They were carefully trained and a community with a good artist was well off. It was important to get tattooed by an artist who knew what he was doing because some of the contents of the ink they used were poisonous. Black ink was most commonly made up of kukui nut ashes and sugarcane juice. Colors, while rare, were made up of various different flowers such as the Hawaiian Iris. As far as a tattoo needle, there were many choices: bird beaks, bone splinters, urchin spines, animal claws, and cactus barbs. So to sum those up in one word, ouch! A person willing to get tattooed would have undergone extreme pain. Modern tattoo needles are extremely small and precise; some of these other sharp objects were basically the opposite. However, they all got the job done. The pain itself was regarded as a spiritual journey, and so the more tattoos covering your body, the higher your status.
Hawaiian Warrior Tattoo - Leg
How were they discovered?
Here we go, a little history never killed anyone, right? Captain James Cook, a famous British explorer sailed to the south pacific around 1765. As he and his naturalist (basically an old-school documentary maker) Sir Joseph Banks, sailed around the islands, they noticed that almost all of the inhabitants had these large black tattoos. The entire crew on Cook's ship was enthralled with the idea and many of them received tattoos themselves. When they ended their voyage back in London, high society was intrigued by the tattoos Cook and his men had received. Sir Joseph Banks (at the time just Joey B.) gained so much recognition for these tattoos that he was immediately admitted into the Royal Naturalist Society - their youngest member at 23.
Why should I get one inked?
Because you want to bare your tattoo and say "Can you smell what The Rock is cooking?" Well, for that to make sense, I'd have to tell you that the popular pro wrestler The Rock has some Hawaiian tribal designs on his shoulder. Anyway, these designs are not for the feint of heart. They use thick lines and lots of ink, so if you're worried about being able to cover these up with a thin t-shirt, think again. If you want something a little smaller, try a turtle, flower, island, dolphin or definitely something tropical. Once you get your tattoo inked, snap a picture, send it to us, and we'll post it right here on this page!
Ancient Hawaiian Tattoos Revival
Tattoos have always been an important part of the culture of Western Polynesia. Hawaiian culture is no different to any of the other pacific Islands when it comes down to the importance of tattoos in Hawaiian culture. Tattoos have been practiced in Hawaiian culture for thousands and are done as a form of celebration, a means of self expression and membership of a tribe.
The tools used for tattooing in Hawaii have traditionally been borrowed from nature unlike the technologically tattoo machines used today. Tools used for tattooing were - bird beaks, claws and large fish bones. Hawaiian tattoos composed mainly geometric and symmetrical designs but slowly evolved into more pictorial forms such as images of animals with the influence of Europeans in Hawaiian culture.
Looking for Hawaiian tattoos?
Meaning of Hawaiian Tattoos
To understand the importance tattoos played in traditional Hawaiian culture it is useful to look at the etymological roots of the word tattoo. The literal translation of the word for tattoo in Hawaiian is uhi, meaning a covering. This hints at the importance it carries in their society especially in terms of defining hierarchy. The symbolism of tattoos was as a benchmark of privilege whereby the quantity and intricacy of tattoo designs defined one’s status.
Tattoos have many meanings, and have been displayed on various places of the body. In some of the lithographs, hawaiian women wore designs concentrating mainly on their hands, feet, fingers and calves. Facial tattooing was also common in Hawaii; typically found on the brow ridge, cheek, cheek bone and chin.
Hawaiians view tattoos on a man’s body as a sign of status and importance. Intricate tattoos were done by the highly skilled artists; an exclusive preserve for the chiefs and their families while the rest of the population and women got it done by the apprentices. The tattoos of women were less extensive being limited to the hand, arms, feet, ears and lips.
A lot of Hawaiian tattoo designs seem to have an almost hidden meaning, which is generally much deeper and personal. This is what sets them apart from their Pacific Island neighbors. Hawaiian tattoo designs are bolder and larger than Maori or Samoan forms. This may be due to the fact that Hawaiian tattoos have more to do with individual identification than for ceremonial purposes, according to anthropolgical studies.
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The Hawaiian Tattoos
Hawaiian tattoos and body art have a history of thousands of years and experience a renewed popularity since the 90s, together with other tribal tattoo styles. Aloha!
There’s more to Hawaii than flowers and leis, after all – the Hawaiian islands are part of a larger chain, the Polynesian Islands, which include other island cultures such as the Maori and the Samoan, tribal communities with a rich tattoo tradition.
Tribal Hawaiian arm tattoo
All of these cultures were famous for their tattoo art. Modern tribal tattoos are based on the traditional tattoo art of the Polynesian islands, and Hawaiian arm tattoos represent both the popular culture of Hawaii and the older tribal traditions.
In a sense, it’s natural that Hawaiian tattoos are so popular right now. Other Hawaiian designs and styles – like Hawaiian shirts – have had their day and currently have a strong retro appeal. Hawaiian arm tattoos are also a manifestation of the resurgence of ‘Tiki’ culture, so popular in the 1950s and 60s.
Hawaiian Tribal Tattoos
Tattooing was an important aspect of the Hawaiian culture, just like anywhere on the Polynesian islands. The Hawaiians even have tattoo gods and each time a member of the community gets a tattoo, prayers had to be done in the temple.
Hawaiian tribal tattoo art, known as Kakau, has been practiced for thousands of years and for a variety of purposes:
- Personal identification: unlike other Polynesian tattoo styles, Hawaiian tattoos are used for personal identification (instead of ceremonial purposes).
- Talisman: tattoos were believed to offer protection.
- As a symbol of mourning for a loved one.
- Adornment
Kukui Nuts, Used in Hawaiian Tattoo Ink
The Hawaiian tribal tattoos were mostly black, the tattoo ink was made of a mixture of kukui nuts and sugarcane juice.
Getting a tattoo in a tribal community was not a very pleasant occasion, modern tattoo equipment was not part of tribal life. Instead they used sharp and pointy parts of animals, like bird beaks and claws, that were connected to a branch and hit with a mallet.
The Hawaiian tattoo designs are larger compared to other Polynesian designs, and bolder as well. Typical Hawaiian tattoo designs include:
- Lizards: the Hawaiians had a great respect and fear for lizards.
- Sea turtle tattoos
- Dolphins
- Tropical flowers
- Arrows
Typical spots for tribal Hawaiian tattoos:
- Male: the legs, arms, face and torso
- Female: the hands, wrist and tongue
In the beginning of the 19th century, when European settlers arrived in Hawaii, the art of the Hawaiian tattoo slowly vanished until its renaissance in the 20th century.
Hawaiian Flower Tattoos
Tattoos incorporating flower designs – as a lot of Hawaiian tattoos do – don’t appeal to everyone, though it should be noted that Hawaiian tattoos are not particularly feminine despite their floral components.
Hibiscus tattoo
The most popular Hawaiian flower tattoo design is without any doubt the Hibiscus (t he yellow variant of the Hibiscus flower is the state flower of Hawaii). Common Hibiscus colors are yellow, red, pink, white and purple.
Another popular Hawaiian tattoo design is the orchid tattoo, especially ghost orchid designs. Ghost orchids are very beautiful flowers and rather peculiar. Orchids are an endangered species, what makes the symbolic meaning of orchid tattoos something like "rare beauty".
Hawaiian Band Tattoos
Hawaiian arm tattoo
Hawaiian band tattoos are commonly found on the arm and the legs. Hawaiian arm tattoos are often a nod to the traditional Hawaiian tattoo style, though with a decidedly modern appearance.
Michael Malone, tattoo artist and one of the students of Sailor Jerry (see further), created the Hawaiian armband tattoo in the 70s. Although he based his designs on the traditional Hawaiian tattoo motifs, the armband itself is not traditional. The armband tattoo became popular amongst Hawaiian youth that wanted to express its heritage.
Famous Hawaiian Tattoo Artists
2 Names come to mind when thinking about Hawaiian tattoo artists:
- Keone Nunes: being a traditional tattoo artist, he uses traditional tattoo equipment like tattoo ink made from kukui nuts and a fine-tooth comb made from the tusk of a hippo.
- Aisea Toetuôu: originally from Tonga, moved to Hawaii.
Sailor Jerry
Norman "Sailor Jerry" Collins is one of the most distinguished American tattoo artists. He lived in Honolulu, Hawaii, that's why I mention him here.
His tattoo designs are what we now call "old school", a style that is in vogue again nowadays. Mike Malone, the creator of the Hawaiian armband tattoo, took over Sailor Jerry's tattoo shop and tattoo flash in the 70s, after Sailor Jerry's dead.
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Irish Tattoos Style
he Emerald Isle has inspired many forms of art - from poetry and music to paintings. Ireland's many icons and symbols have also inspired tattoo artists around the world. Irish tattoos are among some of the most popular tattoos seen today.
Popular Irish Symbols
There are many Irish symbols seen throughout the world. The shamrock, for example, is a three-leafed young clover that is used as the unofficial symbol of Ireland. Used to signify good luck as well as Irish heritage, some men and women of Irish decent choose to get a shamrock tattoo. Some other Irish tattoos include:- Celtic Knots - intricate patterns that are arranged into historical forms that can be traced back to ancient times
- Harps - the harp is a traditional symbol of Ireland
- Words, such as names or sayings, in Gaelic
- Faeries
- Claddagh
Irish Tattoo Meanings
Some people who get Irish tattoos do so because the imagery of Ireland holds special meaning. The claddagh is one of those images that evokes strong feelings. This symbol consists of a heart surrounded by two hands and is topped off with a crown. The claddagh is said to represent friendship - as well as love - with the three parts each signifying a different own sentiment. The crown is for loyalty, the hands are for friendship, and the heart is for love.
The Celtic cross is an ancient symbol native to the Celtic lands and predates Christianity. It was originally used by the Druids as a symbol of the moon goddess, but as many people converted to Christianity and Catholicism, what this cross represented changed to it's current Christian meaning.
There are even different meanings assigned to Celtic knots, depending on the pattern of weaving and shape. For instance, a Celtic knot in the shape of a heart. A three-cornered Celtic knot is also known as the "Trinity" or the "Triquetra" and represents the unity of heart, soul, and mind.
Getting Ideas for Your Tattoo
There are many places to get ideas for your Irish tattoo. Books of Ireland's symbols, such as shamrocks, Celtic knots and Celtic crosses, can be a good source of ideas and a basis for the beginning of a tattoo design. Many Tattoo Studios also offer tattoo flash, which often contains Irish- or Celtic-themed designs. Additionally, there are web sites that offer different tattoo images to help you choose your tat.
- The Celtic Lady offers tattoo flash (for a fee) that you can print out and take to your tattoo artist. Her site includes claddaghs, Celtic knots and even Pagan symbols.
- LuckyFish Art has tattoo images in a variety of themes and styles, specializing Celtic and Irish.
Irish and Celtic Tattoos
There is a lot of crossover between Celtic and Irish tattoos, and many Celtic Tattoos can also be considered Irish. In fact, there are only a few Celtic tattoos that are not also Irish. These include the spirals of war, a design from the Scottish highlands, and the thistle, which is the national symbol of Scotland. Most Celtic tattoos, such as knots and crosses, are both Scottish and Irish in origin and make perfect symbols for celebrating your Irish heritage.
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Soulful and Stylish Irish Tattoos Design

Irish tattoos come in a great variety of styles, stemming from the rich and varied artistic traditions that are part of Irish cultures. The Irish have a soulful, spiritual and very colorful culture - and Irish tattoos reflect the full spectrum of it. From Celtic tattoos to the classic Claddagh heart, to religious tattoos such as the Celtic cross, these tattoos are a great way to celebrate your appreciation for Irish and Celtic heritage.
A Celtic Cross Tattoo
Irish culture, as we know it today, is the result of several distinct influences -all of which are reflected in Irish tattoos and other related tattoo designs. The earliest, and in some ways still the strongest, Irish influence is Celtic culture. The Celts were an ancient people who once lived throughout Europe, settling in the British Isles around the time of the early Roman Empire. The Celts had a fabulous body of art, consisting of beautiful and complex knotwork and stylized images taken from nature. The most popular type of Irish tattoo is the Celtic tattoo. These tattoo designs are very well suited to a bold, black tattoo.
The Irish are very well aware of their Celtic heritage, and they celebrate it in a variety of ways. However, many Irish are also very religious, and there are many religious tattoos that are also representative of Irish culture. Irish Catholics are usually well versed in the lives of the saints, for example, and though 'saint' tattoos might be more typical of Hispanic tattoos, you do find these images among Irish tattoos as well. Of course, there is also the beautiful Celtic cross, which represents an amalgamation of Celtic and Christian imagery.
The third type of Irish tattoo is one that reflects Irish folklore, which is related to both the Celtic and Christian traditions, yet distinct from both. Irish tattoos that represent Irish folklore consist of images that we customarily identify as 'typically' Irish - the shamrock, the leprechaun, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. These tattoo designs have a timeless, popular appeal, as does the classic 'Claddagh heart', and image consisting of a heart, two hands and a crown. You may have seen this heart as part of a jewelry image - it's a popular Irish ring. The Irish are very patriotic, and tend to be rather sentimental about their love for their culture - which would explain the growing popularity of Irish tattoos.
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History of Mexican Tattoos
The History of Mexican Tattoo
aztec calendar
Contrary to common belief, Mexican tattoos began long before the stereotypical ideas about them – the idea that Mexicans have only been tattooing for a hundred years or so is a misconception. Tattoos in the Mexican culture date back to the early 1300s and perhaps before that. Both the Aztecs and the Mexica, along with other Mexican native tribes used tattoos as ornamental and as a way to intimidate foes during battle.
Types of Mexican Tattoos
As with other cultural artwork, Mexican tattoos come in many different categories. The tattoos that originate or that are inspired by this culture are as varied as the landscape of the country itself.
* Aztec Pride
* Regional Pride
* Chilango Pride
1. Many Mexicans have a strong sense of their “original” roots. The origins of the Mexica and Aztec are more important to this sect of Mexicans than any other group that makes up the culture, mainly Spanish. Most native Mexican designs include the sun and sun god, other astrological symbols and symbols of sacrifice. Aztec tattoos focus on symbols important to these North American natives, including the Aztec dagger. Other designs, including sun tattoos focus heavily on astronomical symbols and natural forces. The Aztecs were a fierce people who held their ground and believed strongly in a higher creator. The Aztecs depicted deities in glyphs that can be seen across modern day Mexico City and many regions of central and southern Mexico.
2. Probably the largest genre of Mexican tattoos are regional pride tattoos. Mexicans from certain provinces of Mexico, including Oaxaca, Michoacán, Sonora and Chihuahua are especially proud of their heritage. Many Mexican tattoos of this nature will include backgrounds of the shape of a particular region along with a foreground of a family crest or family surname.
3. Chilango is a Mexican term that refers to a person from Mexico City. Those from the capitol city are proud of both their Mexica and Spanish roots. Mexican tattoos in the Chilango genre will mainly contain images that depict the legend of the eagle and snake as well as images of Huitzilopochtli, the sun god of the Mexica. Even today the legends that were brought forth by the Mexica shape the Mexican culture – the flag of the nation itself depicts the legend of the eagle and snake that helped to lead the Mexica to what is now the capitol city. Those who get a simple tattoo of the Mexican flag are incorporating these historical images as a way to remember where they came from.
Mexican political tattoos can be broken into a few categories:
* Mexican Pride in America -
Many Mexicans who have migrated into the United States for work or family have found the strong resistance from those who oppose their presence. They fight what they perceive to be oppression with art as many cultures have throughout the ages. Often times, Mexican pride tattoos will feature symbols of the convergence of the Mexican and American flags, as if to promote better relations through communicating rather than fighting what is presumably a losing battle for both countries.
* Anti-INS or La Migra -
Anti-INS tattoos are especially popular in Los Angeles and Mexican-American border towns where “La Migra” endeavors to keep illegal aliens out. Once in, however, migrant workers proudly provide for their families who continue to reside in Mexico. Many of these immigrants will get a tattoo to remember their families and why they came to the United States. Many migrant workers will also get portrait tattoos of wives or children they left behind.
* Pro right-to-work with strong ties to Cesar Chavez and other pioneers in this fight for labor freedoms -
Many Mexicans, especially those who have won the right to legally be employed in the United States will continue to protest in the name of worker freedoms. Along with this revolutionary attitude come tattoos depicting Cesar Chavez and other leaders of Mexican labor movements, such as Dolores Huerta.
cross tattoo
Many Mexicans both residing in the United States and Mexico have strong religious beliefs, generally Mexican religious tattoos focus on religious figures of the Roman Catholic church - including Christ, various saints and predominantly, the Virgin Mary, known in Mexico as La Virgen de Guadalupe. Most Mexicans hold a special place in their hearts for the Virgin and believe that she is often disregarded by Catholics of Anglo-Saxon decent as well as other Christians who focus more on Jesus. Many Latino and Chicano prison tattoos feature religious symbols as well.
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Hispanic Tattoos Designs
Mexican tattoos have come a long way from the stereotype gang tattoos that most people wrongly associate with Hispanics and their culture. Although gang tattoos are quite extensive they have even made it into mainstream street culture with sexy Latinas, chicas and wannabe homeboys adopting this gangbanger style.
Many Mexican tattoos such as these will have gang or criminal affiliations such as the number 13 which signifies the 13th letter of the alphabet, the letter M, meaning La Eme or The M; the Mexican Mafia. Or the three dots usually found on the hand beween the thumb and forefinger which has come to mean Mi Vida Loca or My Crazy Life. But Mexican tattoos aren't all about gangs or prison time.
'Mexican Day of the Dead' inspired design © Anna at Annagram
Mexico is predominantly a Catholic country and this has had a major influence in the style of tattoos worn by many Mexicans. Images of the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ are quite popular. There are many variations of the Virgin Mary depicted as an apparition or protective mother. Similarly Jesus is often depicted in the classic Sacred Heart tattoo or depicted on a cross.
Cross tattoos are hugely popular amongst Mexican males in particular. The usual place to have them done in on the chest or covering the entire back. For females the depiction of the Sacred Heart on the chest is another popular style.
With such a rich history in Mexico you would expect that Aztec or Mayan tattoo designs would be quite prominent. The Mayans and Aztecs were renowned for their body art yet this is not really the case in Mexico. As you would expect the majority of people who request these types of designs are not of Hispanic origin. Go figure!